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Since visiting any church for the first time can be a little intimidating, we've put together the following information that we hope will answer your questions and reduce any anxiety that you may have about what to expect when you visit Hope Lutheran. Feel free to contact us if you any questions or comments.

Where is Hope Lutheran located?

Hope Lutheran is located at the corner of 2nd Street and Elm Avenue in Moose Lake, across from the Post Office. 

What should I expect when I arrive at Hope Lutheran?

The main parking lot is located off of 2nd Street. There are handicapped spaces and additional parking beside the building off of Elm Avenue. The building is fully wheelchair-accessible. There are coat racks right inside the doors and restrooms right across from the Sanctuary (worship center). Ushers in the Atrium (lobby) will give you a bulletin, gladly answer any questions you have, help you find a seat. Large print bulletins and assisted hearing devices are available at the welcome center just outside the Sanctuary.

Will I be asked to stand up or be embarrassed?

Relax, we respect that your relationship with the Lord is a personal matter, and that your attendance is not for our benefit, but for the glory of God. We will greet you with smiles and handshakes, and welcome you to worship with us. Most members and friends of Hope wear nametags to make that first, awkward conversation a little more comfortable.

What should I wear?

God accepts us as we are - no matter who we are, what we do, or how we dress. We do not have a dress code. Worshippers at Hope wear anything from jeans and T-shirts, to slacks and golf shirts, to suits and ties. Please wear whatever you feel is most comfortable for you in this setting.

What about the kids?

Children are always welcome in worship. "Busy bags" with activities, a book, crayons and scratch paper are available on a stand at the back of the sanctuary. Scratch pads can also be found in the chair pockets for use for drawing, note-taking, etc. A Nursery/Cry Room is also available during the service, just to the right as you enter the Sanctuary. Parents who need to leave the service with children can still see the service on a TV in the Nursery. During worship, the children are invited to come forward for a special Time for Children, a message especially for them. Afterwards, during the scripture readings and sermon, they are invited to Children's Church, with special children's activities. Later, during the offering, they will collect their own "noisy offering" of loose change for the Holy Cow. It's always a little fun and chaotic - and very good!

What about the offering?

At some point after the sermon, offering plates will be passed around. This is an opportunity for our members to actively respond to all God has given them by freely giving to support his church through the ministries of Hope Lutheran. We certainly do not expect or require anyone to put anything in the offering plate, though you are welcome to do so if you like.

Can I receive Communion?

Yes! You do not need to be a member of Hope to share the Sacrament with us. All who believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine are welcome. We believe it is our Lord's invitation to which we respond, our Lord's meal at which we gather, our Lord's gifts we receive. Children not yet communing may come forward for a goldfish and a blessing. You will be given a piece of bread and an individual cup of wine. Out of concern for those who do not, for any reason, drink wine, we also offer grape juice. Gluten free wafers are also available. If you would would like to receive communion but are not able to come forward, please let an usher know so that communion can be brought to you at your seat.

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